Le nombre de candidats aux concours de recrutement des enseignants ne cesse de chuter depuis les années 1990, tandis que les départs volontaires augmentent.
This article from Le Monde discusses the ongoing crisis of teacher shortages in France.
The main conceptual idea is that the number of people applying to become teachers has been drastically declining since the 1990s while the number of teachers leaving the profession has increased. This creates a difficult situation for the Ministry of Education, which struggles to fill all teaching positions and maintain a functioning education system.
This article from Le Monde discusses the ongoing crisis of teacher shortages in France. The main conceptual idea is that the number of people applying to become teachers has been drastically declining since the 1990s while the number of teachers leaving the profession has increased. This creates a difficult situation for the Ministry of Education, which struggles to fill all teaching positions and maintain a functioning education system.